19 – 05 – 2019
Words by Nica Kruger
Develop gradually
While doing brand research the word echoed through my thoughts. In every moment we will always be evolving. It is a gradual act of movement, balance, strength and pushing through.
Do we even REALLY understand what this means? Or what it takes to do this? We will always progress without even breaking a drop of sweat. It is a natural act.
As we build brands for a living this got me thinking (I mean REALLY thinking). The act of development is what distinguishes the good from the great. The secret to it lies in maintaining a balance whilst gradually moving forward..
This is true for your brand as well.
1. Start with intention
If you do not actively choose to evolve, chances are you will never reach your full potential. You need to lay down your brand goals and make sure your strategy is in place before you jump into the look and feel. Know where you are and where you want to be – it makes the process easier if you understand the purpose of your brand.
CC’s purpose is to deliver value to the lives of our clients. It is a concept that has driven me personally since I can remember – the thought of working on something bigger – something that can change the lives of others. Sounds ridiculous, I know! It has been many people’s purpose before me and will always be but it drives me. I diligently work for the smile and the thought of playing a part in contributing to the endless evolving of brands that I believe in.

Artwork by Matisse

Artwork by Matisse
While doing brand research the word echoed through my thoughts. In every moment we will always be evolving. It is a gradual act of movement, balance, strength and pushing through.
Do we even REALLY understand what this means? Or what it takes to do this? We will always progress without even breaking a drop of sweat. It is a natural act.
As we build brands for a living this got me thinking (I mean REALLY thinking). The act of development is what distinguishes the good from the great. The secret to it lies in maintaining a balance whilst gradually moving forward..
This is true for your brand as well.
1. Start with intention
If you do not actively choose to evolve, chances are you will never reach your full potential. You need to lay down your brand goals and make sure your strategy is in place before you jump into the look and feel. Know where you are and where you want to be – it makes the process easier if you understand the purpose of your brand.
CC’s purpose is to deliver value to the lives of our clients. It is a concept that has driven me personally since I can remember – the thought of working on something bigger – something that can change the lives of others. Sounds ridiculous, I know! It has been many people’s purpose before me and will always be but it drives me. I diligently work for the smile and the thought of playing a part in contributing to the endless evolving of brands that I believe in.
2. Consistence
It is not JUST a choice – it’s hard work. If only having the perfect body was as easy as a choice!
Consistency builds credibility, so stick to your brand values, quality of work and SOCIAL MEDIA SCHEDULE!
This can be frustrating but steadily continuing is “maintaining the balance”. In order to remain upright and steady you need to distribute your weight evenly. Remember that progress is a GRADUAL movement and therefore results take time.
3. Strength
In order to play an extraordinary part in the endless process you will need to persist. All businesses have their ups and downs and let me tell you, you will at one stage or another feel like you have had enough. You will wish that you had your free time back and question if your brand is worth all the effort. Drink a glass of wine, take a nap and continue on course in spite of the difficulty.
Now that we have covered personal strength, let’s talk about your brand’s strength.
The four factors that contribute to developing some brand muscles are perception, awareness, loyalty and association. In order to achieve new heights it is crucial to relook your strategy once in a while and ask for feedback from people (clients as well as those who don’t necessarily know your brand). Discovering what your brand’s weaknesses are is vital for growth.
Take a step back to evaluate & appreciate your brand’s progress. Become aware of your evolvement.